Our projects and some we help with

a small selection

A bit of what we´ve been up to lately

Here we helping HA Bygg with reinforcement and concrete work in Fjällbo park Gothenburg

Sliding form who was assisting the way up in "Karlatornet", no fear of heights here.

Intake station in Varberg which we helped Betongbyggen with.

Reinforcement work and more in progress in Karlatornet i Gothenburg for SERNEKE, the tallest building in Scandinavia, where we had the contract "the core". A real challenge for everybody who was involved.

Apartment house in Gårdsten outside Gothenburg, of which we were a part of with SERNEKE. Casted walls and prefab.

Involved with SERNEKE on RISE in Borås ( Research Institutes of Sweden) where we had a large part of the concrete contract.

A foundation for a carsimulator for B.R.A Bygg AB on Geelys Innovation Center in Gothenburg. With very high demands on the construction. ( own contracting)

Here we did a plate for B.R.A Bygg for SKF in Gothenburg ( own contracting)

Here we doing a retaining wall and a slab for a outdoor pool to a private customer on Orust.

Here we are on a project" Glasbruket" och assists Betonmast nowadays AF Gruppen.